Our Work

Friendly Cities


We promote the development of territories by recognizing the diversity of their inhabitants and the conditions of vulnerability in which women, girls, boys, and teenagers live.

Assistance to municipalities

Assistance to municipalities

We strengthen the capacities of municipalities through the implementation of participatory processes in the formulation of policies, so that they respond to their local realities and standards of participation that promote this right.

Advocacy in public policy

Advocacy in public policy

We strengthen the capacities of civic organizations to carry out collaborative processes to generate inputs for the development of policies and advocacy strategies.

Cities for Women

We provide technical assistance to municipalities to mainstream the gender perspective in their budgets, policies and programs to effectively tend to women’s needs.


Quito Cómo Vamos

Initiative to monitor and evaluate the quality of life in Quito through the generation of reliable and technical quantitative and qualitative information.

Safer Urban Roads

Project for advocacy and strengthening of national road safety agendas.

My neighborhood, my city

Promotion of neighborhood development plans that allow communities to develop a plan of action based on common agreements, around their life experiences, needs, and aspirations.

Citizen driven participation legislation

Our project encourages local governments to implement participatory processes focusing on improving diagnosis and reforms phases while building local regulation. The final goal is the new legislation can give a response to local circumstances and harmonize to national standards on citizen participation.

Participatory Budgeting

Training to citizens on participatory budgeting. Promoting the use of this participation mechanism according to the needs of each locality. 

I Legislate

Training to civil society  organizations to promote participatory processes to clarify doubts about laws to be debated in the legislative power: Citizen Participation Law, Higher Education Law, and  Youth Law.

Safe Cities

We provide technical assistance to municipalities to implement local security councils and citizen security policies with an inclusive and participatory approach in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior and the National Police.

Work with political parties

We provide training and tools to the most representative political parties in Ecuador to adopt the gender perspective as a tool for eradicating political gender based violence.

Safe and Sound Cities

In collaboration with Huasipichanga, we co-create safe and healthy spaces through tactical urbanism interventions. We work closely with citizens to enhance their participation.

Carolina Cabrera

I am very grateful to TANDEM for this experience. I have learned a lot and now I value so much more our capacities as women.



Thanks to TANDEM I’ve had the opportunity to meet valuable women and place ourselves at the service of society. We hope to find shared spaces of equity and equality. Now I leave (the workshop) feeling ready and with the desire to keep fighting for women’s spaces.

Antonio Ricaurte

Antonio Ricaurte

Being part of “I Legislate” has helped us to learn how citizens can demand their space to be heard without falling into the clientelism of traditional politics.